What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an eastern medicine that has been practiced for more than 3500 years. It makes up one of the branches of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the others being Chinese herbs and Tui Na, a form of massage. It is widely used around the world as a safe, effective and holistic therapy used in conjunction with, and for some, as an alternative to western medicine – the medical system we typically use in North America. The elegance of acupuncture lies in its ability to harmonize the physical body with the mind and spirit, addressing the whole being. Think body mind and spirit.
1. What makes it different from mainstream western medicine?
a. Its philosophy of healing
Qi: Essential to acupuncture is balancing and restoring the body’s Qi -the life force energy of the body. Consider our Qi like a trust fund of energy we are given at conception. It’s this energy that allows us to grow, to experience life, to work, play, procreate and so on. It’s not in our best interest to spend our energy currency too quickly but instead, it is more desirable to do things that add to it so we have ample energy to lead fulfilling and healthy lives. Spending our trust fund of energy too quickly diminishes our QI (life force energy) leading to what we call disease and aging.
Healing in Chinese medicine also believes in:
Harmony: Health is not simply freedom from disease but living in harmony within ourselves and with the environment around us. How do we live in this world? This internal and external harmony helps us to live healthier, happier and longer lives.
Cultivation of the human spirit: At the heart of acupuncture is supports the cultivation of the human spirit. Awareness or consciousness underlies all treatments enabling us to fulfill our own personal destinies. As we get to know ourselves through the lens of the body, mind and spirit, we uncover our own personal truths which are guides to our destiny.
b. Treats the whole person not just the symptoms
Acupuncture treats the whole person – like a detective who doesn’t take everything at face value, acupuncture addresses the underlying or root cause of what is causing a physical ailment to manifest. Its diagnostic and therapeutic strengths lie in its ability to identify and treat both the source of the illness as well as the presenting symptoms. In this it differs from Western medicine which often tends to focus on symptomatic relief without treating the whole.
2. What can acupuncture treat?
It treats a wide variety of ailments such as most types of body pain, chronic illness, and most diseases. Disease and illness can be a result of physical, psychological and emotional disharmonies. These may be caused by:
Environmental factors such as climate, pollutants, toxins, city living
Physical traumatic injury- pain
Internal imbalances from our emotions, thoughts, and genetic makeup
Lifestyle imbalances from poor stress management, overwork, improper diet, lack of movement, and poor sleep.
Most importantly, acupuncture can be used as preventative medicine. Bi-monthly or monthly tune-ups support that trust fund of Qi we all have.
3. How does it treat?
Using unique diagnostic tools specific to TCM, the pattern of imbalance is identified followed by a treatment plan designed to treat and prevent reoccurrence. A different combination of therapies used may include:
Acupuncture – By using thin needles (as fine as horse hair) and placing them in specific areas on the body, this is the art and medicine of acupuncture. Afraid of needles? Email for a free consultation to discuss what to expect.
Moxibustion - Heat + Mugwort = Strength
The beauty of Chinese Medicine is the availability of different tools used to treat. At times different methods are called for hence Moxibustion or moxa as I call it. Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy which involves the burning of the herb Mugwort over specific acupuncture points to stimulate the body. This helps increase the flow of Qi (life force energy) and blood. Why would I use it? It can be used to prevent disease and maintain health as it supports and strengthens the immune system. It is used to promote circulation over areas of chronic pain and tension as well it can help with fatigue and digestive issues and much more.
Cupping – not only for Olympic athletes
Remember the stir Michael Phelps created when he was photographed sporting dark red marks on his body? Those marks were the result of a traditional Asian healing technique called cupping. It works to alleviate muscle pain and tightness, improve range of motion and overall, it helps to restore the body’s natural flow of energy, where there is pain there is stagnation of energy.
Glass cups and a flame or silicone cups and pump are used to create suction on the skin. This increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed to improve overall blood flow and promote faster recovery and healing. While it is primarily used for muscular pain and tightness, it is also valuable for the lungs and can help clear congestion from colds or other respiratory symptoms. Cupping is a very versatile healing technique.
Most people find cupping very enjoyable and relaxing. The cups can (but not always) leave purple or red marks that can indicate areas of poor circulation and blood stagnation. These marks will fade within 1-5 days.
Cupping sessions are often performed at the end of an acupuncture treatment and can be added to 60-min sessions for an additional cost or are included in the cost of 90-minute extended treatments.
Nutrition – Food is our first medicine and what we ingest is of the upmost importance. Bring your questions about food plans to increase energy, lose weight, or improve overall wellbeing. Chinese philosophy about food is brought into the discussion.
Supplements - High quality nutraceutical product line is available and offered if required.
Lifestyle modifications - What kind of style of life are you living? Acupuncture and other forms of treatment can take you only so far on your wellness journey. Our lifestyle choices are the backbone or set the foundation for what we create in our life. Bring your questions to your sessions.
Through a combination of treatment these imbalances are re-patterned, the internal environment is changed, and harmony is restored.
what is esoteric acupuncture?
“The power of acupuncture is to harmonize and strengthen the body systems before a disease stage, but the power of Esoteric Acupuncture is to work with expanding consciousness and strengthen the root which is our Higher, Inner Spiritual Center”
– Mikio Sankey
This system of acupuncture was developed by Dr. Mikio Sankey as a way to support higher spiritual awakenings and to help individuals attune and connect more fully to the subtle and powerful energy shifts available to us. It is able to assist us in discovering higher levels of consciousness, a heightened spiritual awareness, and to connect with our Higher Self and all of the cosmos.
The cosmos is made up of energy, of higher frequencies that are helpful for us to expand our own energy field to hold higher vibrations of love, compassion, forgiveness, beauty for example. Using a sequence of acupuncture points in specific geometric patterns, this form of acupuncture initiates frequencies of energy that resonate in harmony with, and amplify, our own energy fields. These higher frequencies align and open the heart center and expand throughout our energy field. Through this heart expansion we are able to connect with our own inner truths or wisdom.
I call this shamanic acupuncture as similar to shamanism it helps us to connect to something greater than ourselves, to the inner wisdom of our hearts. It can also be used as alternative to plant medicine work such as ayahuasca. It can be used alone, or in conjunction with traditional acupuncture treatments.
Esoteric healing may be able to assist you with:
Heart connection to inner self
Belief systems and closed symbols
Energetic boundaries
Creative expression and flow
Flow and harmony in the body
Book A Session
new patient appointment
acupuncture: $125
-OR- Esoteric Acupuncture: $125
This 90-120 minute appointment includes in-depth interview to discuss the current state of your health and your priorities. Based on your health goals, we will discuss if Acupuncture can help and your treatment plan going forward. A treatment is always included on the first appointment.
Learn more about your first treatment and what to expect.
acupuncture Follow up
acupuncture (60-minutes): $70
-or- acupuncture (90-minutes): $100
-or- Esoteric Acupuncture (90-minutes): $125
For follow-up visits we will discuss changes in your health, new goals and provide an acupuncture treatment based on your health needs that day. Treatments may include Chinese Medical Therapies such as moxibustion or cupping. 90-minute treatments include front and back of body. 60-minute treatments are one-sided only, either front of the body or back.
other offerings
Cupping only (30-minutes): $45
Discover the benefits (and relief) of cupping - includes local pain relief and muscle relaxation.
Detoxification Program: $250
Want to feel more mentally alert, enjoy better sleep and overall more energy? While detox conjures up images of rock stars getting clean, detox here means a specific program designed to support your body’s detoxification systems to release toxins in the body. Why detox? It’s a great way to kickstart weight loss that has plateaued, if someone is feeling sluggish or lacking in energy and motivation, reduce inflammation are some of the reasons to detox, but for me, a regular detox done twice a year gives the body detox systems (mainly the liver) support it needs to continue to work effectively for us. Just like we take our cars in for maintenance, this is a way to do the same for your body.
What this program includes: PDF of a well-balanced food plan supported with high quality nutraceutical supplements. Also includes 1 hour consultation and follow up support phone call/email. This detoxification kit is good for 2 detoxes so great for couples to do together. Come together!
This detox is not intended to eliminate the body of cannabis or other forms of recreational drugs.
Includes 1 hour consultation and 2 detoxification kits. Does not include acupuncture treatment. Kit sold separately for $200
shamanic healings (30-minute): $65
In person or remote. See shamanism page for more information.